AP Chinese-中文大学预科

Monday, September 18, 2006



1。 汉语有哪些特色?
2。 语言和方言在定义上有什么区别?
3。 语言对一个民族有什么重要性?

"中国语文是世界上一种十分奇特的语文。汉语方言差异之大,世界上其他语言的方言无法相比拟。汉字历史之古老,世界上任何一种现代语言也都无法与之相比。更为重要的是,汉字在中华民族的整体认同上所起的作用,也是其他文字所不具有的。 汉语有八大方言,即:北方方言、吴语、粤语、闽南话、闽北话、客家话、湘语和赣语。每种方言之下还有若干小方言。如闽南话的小方言有厦门话,漳州话和泉州话等等。汉语方言之多,远远超过欧洲语言总数,应是没有疑义的。 中国方言语音上的差距之大,也远远超过欧洲的许多语言。西班牙人、葡萄牙人和意大利人之间可以用各自的母语进行某些基本的交流。波兰人和南斯拉夫人也可以试图猜出俄国人在说什麼。而闽南人和北方人用各自的方言交谈,则几乎是在相互对牛弹琴。 这种现象对欧洲人几乎不可思议。因而他们常常用“语言” (language),而不是用“方言”(dialect)来描述汉语的这一现象。对欧洲人更不可思议的是,操如此不同“语言”的中华帝国为什麼能存在几个千禧年没有分崩离析,而使用同一语言的罗马帝国、阿拉伯帝国却早已四分五裂。拉丁语曾是罗马帝国的语言。当罗马皇帝的子民们用拉丁字母拼写自己的方言时,就出现了西班牙语、法语、意大利语等语言。随后罗马帝国也解体了,拉丁语也渐渐死亡了。这种情况之所以没有在中国历史上发生,许多西方学者认为,主要是归功於汉语书写系统,即中国十分独特的汉字方块汉字。 汉字是世界上现今唯一不表音而只表意的语言符号(有的汉字可做为其他汉字的表音偏旁)。汉字不论是刻在龟甲上,铸造在青铜器上,刻写在木简上,还是书写在纸帛上,五千年来汉字的形态在变,但汉字不表音而只表意的特性没有变。不管汉语的语音和语法如何变化,不管汉语的方言如何庞杂,讲任何一种方言的中国人,都把汉字视为是自己的文字。 文字是文化的载体,是一个民族历史文化传统得以延续的主要手段,也是一个民族的民族性和民族认同的核心内容。中华文明多亏汉字才得以延绵不断地发展了几千年。对汉字的认同,也就是对中华民族做为一个整体民族国家的认同。中国大陆70%的人母语是北方话,香港居民96%的母语是粤语,台湾73%的人口操闽南话。用各自的方言两岸三地的中国人无法交流。但他们都认同汉字方块字,不管是简体还是繁体。他们都把用汉字方块字印刷或书写的官方文书、文艺作品、报刊杂志和教科书等等,看做是自己文化的一部分。而用这种文字的印刷品所承载的内涵,包括伦理道德、典章制度、文化传承、思想理念等等,也就被操各种方言的中国人视为共同的文化遗产。语文和宗教是一个民族得以形成和发展的两大基本属性。对中国人来说,语文属性在中华民族的发展和形成过程中所起的作用,比宗教属性要大得多,重要得多。 中国语文之所以对中华民族的凝聚起著如此巨大的作用,是因为中国的“语”与“文”是脱节的。世界上其他任何一种“文”,都是该“文”所属的“语”的音素符号。也就是说其他语言基本是:“怎麼发音,就怎麼写”,除非因语言变异而产生的特殊拼写规则(日语中使用的汉字除外)。同一概念在中国语文众多的方言里用众多的音素表述著,但记录下来的文字符号却是一个。讲各种方言的中国人认同这个符号,也就认同这个符号系统所负载的历史文化内涵。 我们不难想象,如果中国人用一种拼音字母来拼写中国的各个方言,而且中国人也不再使用普通话或国语,其后果会是什麼。若干年后,在古罗马帝国发生的事,在中国就会发生。一位上个世纪在中国生活了近半个世纪的美国传教士威廉斯(S. Wells Williams)已经认识到这点。他说,一旦废止汉字,用字母来拼写汉语方言,那麼中华帝国就会不复存在,中国就会分裂成许多小国。"

Friday, September 15, 2006


Here is a blog from a student who wrote in her own dialect.


Interview Questions for principals

Students prepared some questions for the interview of principals who visited China during the vacation. They will write a report for this interview.

1. What is the strongest impression about China after the trip?
2. Do you notice any differentces between the Chinese students in LESP and those in China?
3. Do you notice the difference between the lifestyle in china and in America?6.How are your impressions about China different before the trip and after the trip?
4. What adventages did you find that help improve our school?
5. What's the different between LESP student and Chinese student?---
6. Does this trip help you understand your students better? In which way? Does it help you work in our school?
7. Could you tell any differences of people in different areas? Where do you like the most?

Thursday, August 31, 2006

AP Chinese Syllabus Discussion

After I posted my syllabus online, some teachers sent me questions and comments. I appreciate very much. Here are some questions with "---", and answers follow afterwards.
---I am interested to chat with you how you plan to integrate the 'language' part into these units?
My plan is to integrate language components into the cultural sections. All the material selected will have a language focus. Through the practices of language components, students understand better the cultural themes. I believe that, in this way, language and cultural components can be naturally integrated. Students will not feel bored in just practicing the language part. Of course, it is easy to say.

---Do you start out using a fixed text book, and enhence it with the suggested cultural units? Or is the suggested syllabus the sole content of the class? If latter, I suspect you would devise a complete set of classroom curriculum including language texts and grammar rules?
I don't have one fixed text book for the moment. I will try to merge them together with an emphasis of a language component. This syllabus draft will be definitely revised.
--On the other hand, your AP students might be at a level so advanced that is beyond the most advanced text books available?! Could it be why you focus your AP class on the 'culture' but not the 'language''?
Yes and no. I teach heritage students. Most of them graduated from junior high schools, and some from high schools in Taiwan, Hongkong, and China. It is not easy for me to select a good textbook for them. I am confident that my students will be able to handle the language part quite well but they need to explore more about the Chinese culture. From the workshops and training I received, I realized that most questions or texts in the AP Exam will contain very specific cultural components.

-- If there is no existing publication that can support your syllabus, the burden, then, lies in you to research, construct, compile and integrate all your findings before you custom fit them into your curriculum.
Yes. Your are absolutely correct. However, since I have been teaching Chinese language and culture for over 14 years, I accumulate much resources and material. Furthermore, the Internet provides immense, and up-to-date resources to us. I will let students to explore and create projects appropriate to the units. Student-centered learning is a hot topic now. They are the ones playing the key roles in this course. They will research, construct, compile and integrate all the findings from their learning. With this option, students don't really have any limits to learn the topic of each unit. The only issue is how we can better organize what we can find online in a coherent and productive way. Hopefully, at the end of semester, students can produce some nice material and publications for the future AP course. Of course, next AP class always has a job to replenish and update the material, which is also how language and culture evolve.

I know that my draft is very primitive. I appreciate that you noticed my courage. For that, I would like to thank you again. I need comments like yours to revise my syllabus. Of course, if I can offer some ideas to other teachers, I will feel very happy to do so.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

中文输入与英文版的win xp /win 2000的中文显示

转载: http://teachchinese.blogspot.com/2005/09/win-xp-win-2000.html

一、微软在Windows XP操作系统中不但提供了简、繁体中文字库,而且提供了相应的输入法支持。如果你要启用英文版Windows XP操作系统对中文的支持,可参考如下的方式设置(以英文版Windows XP Professional为例,Windows XP Home Edition的设置方法与此类似)。

1. 打开“控制面板”,双击“Regional and Language Options”图标,打开区域和语言设置窗口;

2. 在区域和语言设置窗口中,选择“Language”选项卡,将“Install Files for East Asian Languages” 选项打勾;

3. 系统提示需要约230MB的空间,请选择确定并根据提示操作,成功后返回到“Regional Options” 页中;

4. 在“Regional Options”选项卡中的“Standards and Formats”下拉框中选择“Chinese (PRC)”使用中文格式,“Location”下拉框中选择“China”,表示当前所属区域为中国;

5. 在“Language”选项卡中单击“Details”按钮,在“Settings”中的“Default input language”下拉框中选择“Chinese (PRC)-Chinese(Simplified)-US Keyboard”,并且在“Install Serivces”中点击“Add”按钮即可添加中文输入法。

二、人比较喜欢使用英文版的windows 2000/XP操作系统,所以对在英文版操作系统正确 显示、使用简体中文作了点研究。以英文版windows2000为例,具体操作过程如下:

Start->Settings->Control Panel->Regional Options->General,在Your Locale (Location)下拉菜单中选中Chinese(PRC)。
在Language settings for the system中选中Simplified Chinese;
单击Set default...,在下拉菜单中选中Chinese(PRC),点击OK;

三、由于某些原因,你只能选择英文版的Windows XP, 比如工作需要,或爱机只带了英文版操作系统,亦或你想强化你的E文等等,而又在英文的平台上被困于简体中文显示,输入方面的问题,也许下面这些经验能帮助你解决问题。^_^

1.如果是英文版Windows XP Professional, 建议安装Chinese MUI,可以一劳永逸地解决许多中文方面的问题,如中文文件名支持,中文输入法支持,中文软件界面支持等。可以到微软的官方网站下载Chinese MUI:
a. 如果未安装service pack 1:
b. 如果已安装service pack 1:

下面讨论的都是不安装Chinese MUI时比如英文版Windows XP Home出现的问题及解决方法。

2.中文显示问题,(如中文文件名,中文内容等) 的解决。
在 Start -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Languages 中把 "Install files for East Asian languages"选项打上钩(如下图)。确定后系统会开始安装。必须确保Windows XP的安装光盘在光驱里,或手动指定Windows原始安装文件的I386目录。安装完后重启,系统可以正常显示简体中文,繁体中文,日文,韩文等东亚语 言。

有些中文软件的界面会显示为乱码,即使你已经如2安装了东亚语言支持。其原因为这些中文软件的界面文字采用了non-Unicode编码,而英文版 Windows XP默认对于这样的编码是采用英文显示。你可以在Start -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Advanced 中在"Language for non-unicode programs"下拉菜单中选择"Chinese PRC"。即可解决。

英文版Windows XP自带了几种中文输入法。如微软拼音3.0, 全拼,双拼,郑码。这样安装:Start -> Control Panel -> Regional and Language Options -> Language 中点""Details"按钮,会弹出"Text Service and Input Languages"页面。在Settings中点"Add"按钮。选择"Input language" 为Chinese PRC。然后在"keyboard layout/IME"选择以 Chinese (Simplified)开头的几个即是简体中文输入法。
Chinese (Simplified) - Microsoft Pinyin IME 3.0: 微软拼音3.0
Chinese (Simplified) - NeiMa: 内码输入法
Chinese (Simplified) - QuanPin: 全拼输入法
Chinese (Simplified) - ShuangPin: 双拼输入法
Chinese (Simplified) - ZhengMa: 郑码输入法

AP Chinese Syllabus (Draft)

AP Chinese Language and Culture (2006-2007)

Syllabus Outline

Semester One:
Unit one: Language and People/Chinese Language Histroy and Dialects
Unit two: Geography and History/Chinese Character and Written Language
Unit three: Festivals and Holidays/Words and Expressions
Unit four: Diet and Health/Grammar
Unit five: Life Style and Costume/Grammar
Semester Two:
Unit Six: Traditional Arts and Folk Arts/Grammar
Unit Seven: Arts and Crafts/Grammar
Unit Eight: Literature (novel and poetry)/ 修辞
Unit Nine: Music and Songs/修辞
Unit ten: Philosophy and Religions/修辞

Semester One
Unit one: Language and People /Chinese Character and Dialects (September, 2006)
1. Nationalities
2. Language, characters
3. Ethnic regional diversity and linguistic variations (dialects)
4. Schools and community
5. Current affairs
Language focus: Chinese Language History and Dialects
• Blogging: setup personal blogs
Web Design: Introduction to Macromedia Dreamweaver (web design tool)
Assignments & quiz

Unit two: Geography and History (October, 2006)
1. Geography/regions
2. History
3. Travel
4. Transportation
Language focus: Chinese Character and Written Language
• Internet and search (wikipedia)
• Podcasting
• Web Design: Dreamweaver
Assignments & quiz
Exam One

Unit three: Festivals and holidays (November, 2006)
1. Major festivals (Spring festival, Moon festival, Memorial Day,
2. National holidays: National Day, May 1st, Women’s Day, Children’s Day….
3. Weddings and other events
Language focus: Words and Expressions
• Movie Maker
• Digital Photography (Photoshop)
Assignments & quiz

Unit four: Diet and Health (December, 2006)
• Food
• Diet (tea)
• Health
• Sports
Language focus: Grammar
• Flash animation
• Web Design: Dreamweaver
Assignments & quiz Exam two

Unit five: Life Style and Costume (January, 2007)
1. Traditional styles
2. Fashion
3. Influence of globalization
Language focus: Grammar
• MSN group discussion
• Videotaping and editing (Movie Maker)
Project Presentation: Web design, video, poster
Assignments & quiz Semester Exam

Semester Two:
Unit Six: Traditional Arts and Folk Arts (February, 2007)
• Calligraphy,
• Painting,
• Opera
Language focus: Grammar
• Online publishing
• Digital photography
Assignments & quiz

Unit Seven: Arts and Crafts (March, 2007)
• Kites,
• Paper cuts
• Architecture, gardening
Language focus: Grammar
• Blogging
• Digital photography
Assignments & quiz Exam One

Unit Eight: Literature (April, 2007)
• Novels
• Poetry
• Play
Language focus: 修辞
• Wikipedia
• Podcasting
Assignments & quiz

Unit Nine: Music and Songs (May, 2007)
• Chinese classic music
• Music instruments
• Popular songs and music
Language focus: 修辞
• Movie Maker
• Flash/animation
Assignments & quiz Exam Two

Unit Ten: Philosophy and Religions (June, 2007)
• Confucius
• Taoism
• Buddhism
• Other religions
Language focus: 修辞
• Web project
• MSN group online discussion
Project Presentation: Web, Books, research paper, video, etc
Assignments & quiz Semester Exam

It is a very important component of this course. Students will learn various tools and techniques in using the Internet, software/programs as well as laptop computers, pocket PC, iPod, and other devices during this course. They are required to produce presentation projects with assigned or selected themes. Their final projects will be published online or through different media. A class showcase will be set up at the end of each semester.

Parent/Community involvement:
Student learning should not be limited to themselves. Their learning should extend to outside of the classroom, beyond any physical boundaries, to their home, to their community, with their friends, and relatives, parents in U.S. as well as in China or any other places. During this course, students will interact with these people, visit local Chinese institutions and cultural centers to broaden their learning experience and become a life long learner. In fact, language and culture are the essence of their life and community.

The Internet provides immense resources for teaching and learning. We will use as much online resources as we can for our classroom discussion, group activities, projects, etc. Of course, we are not limited to the online materials. We will also use books, magazines, newspapers, and any other useful sources. Students are required to collect materials for the course. Student projects can also be used for this course as resources. Hopefully we will have our own classroom library while we are working on this course. Here is a brief list of what I will be using:
1. World Journal (Local Chinese newspaper)
2. http://www.china.com/
3. http://yahoo.com.cn/
4. http://baidu.com/ (search engine)
5. http://zh.wikipedia.com/
6. 胡裕树主编《现代汉语参考资料》上册,上海教育出版社,1980年;
7. 胡裕树主编《现代汉语参考资料》中册,上海教育出版社,1981年;
8. 胡裕树主编《现代汉语参考资料》下册,上海教育出版社,1982年;
9. 鲁允中等编《现代汉语资料选编》,甘肃人民出版社,1981年。
10. Chinese Poetry (Books)
11. Chinese Novels (Books)
12. Classic Chinese Literature (Books)13. Other audiovisual materials and software

Friday, July 14, 2006

AP Conference 2006

Many teachers of Chinese Language attended the conference. About 30-40 teachers showed up to my session. I was surprised about the turnout which probably due to the recent "Chinese fever". My son, Steve helped me take some photos and videotape my presentation. Thanks, Steve!

The session went well this morning. I just could not finish all the slides I prepared. But I could sense the willingness among the teachers to try some tools I mentioned during the presentation. The main point of my session was that no matter what levels of Chinese class, teachers should integrate some technologies in teaching, because we live in a digital era. Students are far more ahead of us in using digital devices. It is our job to bring their world to the classroom and let them experience a bigger world. Here the creativity on the part of teachers is essential. Teachers should find a way to bridge this gap. There is always a different way to do it in one's classroom. No excuse to say:"It doesn't fit me or my class."

Since I did not have the Internet access in the presentation room, I could not show the web sites and student sample works in the session. Actually, a few things bothered me very much at this hotel. It is a quite fansy resort hotel. But there is no wireless connection, not even in the conference room. Another one is that my computer was probably got hacked. My desktop icons including the language bar for Chinese input (Microsoft IME) were all gone after I rebooted my computer. Luckily I made a back up copy in my ipod last night. I could still show my slides. I did notice a wireless connection on my desktop last night when I got on the Internet. I was suspicious. I tried to disconnect it, but not successful. So I shut down my computer. It was too late to stop hacking. Hope that I did not lose anything else. This is the damage that the technology can cause. Oh, well. Things happen. One just goes along with them.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

More resources for teaching Chinese

Dr. Tianwei Xie http://www.csulb.edu/~txie/online.htm
Online learning tool: http://www.popjisyo.com/WebHint/Portal_e.aspx
中小学信息技术教育论坛 http://www.nrcce.com/discuz/viewthread.php?tid=3344&extra=page%3D1

学中文Learning Chinese

Multilevel Chinese http://en.chinabroadcast.cn/ce_chinese/
中文学习 http://www.minmm.com/
MARTINDALE'S LANGUAGE & TRANSLATION CENTER http://www.martindalecenter.com/



电教技术Instructional Technologies

Resources Compiled by Karen L. Murphy http://disted.tamu.edu/edtclink.htm
Instructional Technology Connections http://carbon.cudenver.edu/~mryder/itcon.html
Resources INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY http://www2.bridgeport.edu/pages/3565.asp
Educational Research & EducationalTechnology Links http://fms.wsd.wednet.edu/TechLab/educationallinks.htm
Tools for Teaching http://www.scilinks.org/retrieve_outside.asp?sl=92635699105510661011

Please send your favorite web sites in comments. Thank you.

Monday, May 29, 2006

LESP AP 中文课程要求(初稿)

1. 课程介绍:
AP中国语言文化课程主要是学习有关汉语的发展, 使用, 演变, 包括华人区汉语的使用。语言的使用无所不在,它反映了文化的各个方面,其本身就是文化的一部份。

2. 课程要求:
a. 参与个人,小组,班级的慱客写作(日记, 评论, 感想,专题介绍) 。
b. 选择20个有关语言文化的题材写作。
c. 制作5个视听节目, 语音, 影视, 网页, 播客。
d. 建立个人课程网页。
e. 专题报告一探讨中国语言文化。

风俗, 节日, 饮食, 家庭, 保健, 体育, 居住, 交通, 服饰, 艺术, 书法, 绘画, 曲艺, 戏曲, 民乐, 歌舞, 礼仪, 宗教, 名胜, 地理, 教育, 茶艺, 气侯。